Chinese Exclusion Act/排华法案

美华史记 | 凤凰城第一家华人洗衣店


Historical Record of Chinese Americans | The vicissitudes of life in San Jose Chinatowns – Inheritance & Future

The so-called “Chinese problem” was a very controversial topic in San Jose society in the mid-19th century. The church burned down because a pastor organized Sunday schools for Chinese children. A German-immigrated landlord was verbally abused and physically threatened for signing contracts with Chinese businessmen.  On February 4, 1886, the California Anti-Chinese Annual Conference, led by the former mayor of St. Jose, was held in St. Jose with the theme, “Chinese must get out!” “, what the hell is going on here?

美华史记 | 历尽沧桑的圣荷西唐人街

所谓的“中国人问题”是19世纪中期圣荷西社会中一个很有争议的话题。因为一位牧师为中国儿童组织了星期日主日学习班,该教堂被烧毁。 一位德裔地主因与中国商人签订合同而受到辱骂和威胁。 1886年2月4日,由前圣何西市长参与领导的加州反华年会在圣何西举行,主题就是,“中国人必须滚蛋!”,这究竟是怎么回事?

Historical Record of Chinese Americans | The Workingmen’s Party of California and Chinese Exclusion Act

The Chinese Exclusion Act was the first and only law in US, implemented to prevent a specific ethnic group from immigrating to the United States. It was signed on May 6, 1882 and repealed on December 17, 1943. The declining economy and high unemployment were politicized for the anti-Chinese movement by Denis Kearney, a labor leader who was himself an immigrant from Ireland. When the Sand Lot rally erupted in San Francisco in 1877, Kearney helped found the Workingmen’s Party of California with a sledgehammer four-word slogan: “The Chinese must go!” Kearney’s attacks against the Chinese for working for cheaper wages were supported by many white Californians. The Workingmen’s Party won almost every elective seat in San Francisco and successfully promoted anti-Chinese sentiment. By 1882 the federal government was finally convinced to pass the Chinese Exclusion Act, banning all Chinese immigrant laborers. The Workingmen’s Party of California was gone after the passage of The Chinese Exclusion Act.

Historical Record of Chinese Americans |The Sixth Decade of the Chinese Exclusion Act

World War II closely linked China and the United States together in the international anti-fascist alliance, during which China was portrayed as a friend and ally by the public media in the United States.  Many Chinese Americans actively participated in the anti-Japanese propaganda and war.  Not only did they survive the harsh domestic political environment of the exclusion period, but their “popular” role in the war also won them respect and sympathy.

Historical Record of Chinese Americans| Paper son: one man’s story on an individual experience of living during the Exclusion era and McCarthyism

Paper son: one man’s story is a memoir by Tung Pok Chin. In this book the author casts light on the largely hidden experience of those Chinese who immigrated to America with false documents during the Exclusion Act era. Also, the author’s personal story under the shadow of McCarthyism may resonate with those who have been caught in the middle.

美华史记 | 美国华人的首次大型公民抗命运动

1882年5月6日切斯特·亚瑟(Chester A. Arthur)总统签署了“排华法案”,禁止所有技术或非技术性的华工移民,违者将被监禁并驱逐。 [1] 最初此法律的有效期是十年。1892年,美国政府再次推出了《吉尔里法案》(The Geary Act)。该法案不仅延长了1882年出台的“排华法案“,而且更要求每名华人居民都要注册并佩戴居留证,此证被华人称为“狗牌”。至此,排华进入了第二个十年。

美华史记 | 美国华人的首次跨国参政


美华史记 | 天使岛移民站
