Legal Battle/维权

Six U.S. Supreme Court Cases Pre- and Post the Chinese Exclusion Act

This article presents several historical cases from 1875 to 1905. Looking back, it was politicians who first rode the rising anti-Chinese waves to pass a series of Chinese exclusion laws. The Government formulated and implemented a series of regulations, gradually eroding the legitimate rights of the Chinese immigrants. The judiciary, represented by the Supreme Court, insisted on defending the Constitution and upholding justice before and in the early days after the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882, and later concede in the facing more systematic Chinese exclusion laws. The voices of justice were drowned out, and the Chinese lost their last support. Although there were still kind and fair American people everywhere who cared for Chinese individuals and offered assistance in many ways, the Chinese immigrant community entered unprecedented difficult years.

美华史记 | 排华法案前后美国最高法院审理的六个华人案件

这篇文章介绍1875 -1905 年的几个重要历史案件:1875 年的22名中国妇女案 (Chy Lung v Freeman),1875年以后有关移民的条约与法案,1884年的周享案(Chew Heong v U.S.),1889年迟成平案(Chae Chan Ping v U.S.),1893年方跃庭案 (Fong Yue Ting v U.S.),1895年林满胜案(Lem Moon Sing v U.S.),1905 年蔡裕案(United States v Ju Toy)。

美华史记|The Fiery Decade: A Retrospective of Asian American Civil Rights Movement in California, 2012 – 2022

From the recorded history of December 4, 1785, when three Chinese sailors arrived in the port of Baltimore, Maryland, on the ship Pallas[1], to the 19th-century California Gold Rush that attracted a large number of Chinese laborers to San Francisco, to the massive influx of Chinese workers needed for the construction of the transcontinental railroad across North America, to the present-day population of approximately 5 million Chinese Americans, California, as the place with the largest population of Chinese descent, has witnessed numerous influential civil rights movements throughout its immigration history of over two centuries.
This article focuses on a retrospective of the major Asian American civil rights movements that took place in California from 2012 to 2022.

美华史记|炽热的十年, 加州亚裔2012-2022民权运动回顾

从有记录的1785 年12月4日三名中国海员随帕拉斯号船(Pallas)抵达美国马里兰州巴尔的摩(Baltimore, Maryland)港开始 ,到十九世纪美国加州旧金山淘金潮吸引了大批华人劳工前往,到修建横贯北美大陆的太平洋铁路所需的大批华工,到今天约500万人口的美国华人,在两百多年的移民史中,尽管每一次都存在不同的背景和缘由,但加州作为华裔人口最多的地方,掀起过很多影响力不菲的民权运动,本文着重回顾2012 年至 2022 年间发生在加州的亚裔大型民权运动。

Historical Record of Chinese Americans | The Case of Ho Ah Kow’s Queue

Author:Xin Su Translator: Ella N. Wu My body, my choice, my rights! Ho Ah Kow, an early fighter for civil rights, won a rare lawsuit Queue Ordinance (or Pigtail Ordinance) of the 1870s. It added a touch of brilliance with Chinese imprints to the history of Americans fighting for civil rights. Ho Ah Kow, a …

Historical Record of Chinese Americans | The Case of Ho Ah Kow’s Queue Read More »

美华史记 | 铭记与纪念陈果仁


美华史记 | 李彬华 (Mabel Ping-Hua Lee) – 争取妇女选举权的先驱

1912 年 5 月 4 日,纽约历史悠久的格林威治村街道上聚集了上万人群,争取妇女选举权的游行即将开始。在马背上领头是一位年轻的中国女子,名叫李彬华 (Mabel Ping-Hua Lee)。这是众多为争取妇女参政举行的游行中参加人数最多的一次。尽管在当时对华人歧视的移民法下她不能申请成为美国公民,但她从小就在美国和中国争取投票权的斗争中发挥了重要作用。后来,她成为在美国第一位获得哲学博士学位的中国女性。今天,李彬华被公认为美国华人妇女参政的先驱。

美华史记 | 美国华人的首次大型公民抗命运动

1882年5月6日切斯特·亚瑟(Chester A. Arthur)总统签署了“排华法案”,禁止所有技术或非技术性的华工移民,违者将被监禁并驱逐。 [1] 最初此法律的有效期是十年。1892年,美国政府再次推出了《吉尔里法案》(The Geary Act)。该法案不仅延长了1882年出台的“排华法案“,而且更要求每名华人居民都要注册并佩戴居留证,此证被华人称为“狗牌”。至此,排华进入了第二个十年。