Legal Battle/维权

Historical Record of Chinese Americans | Wong Kim Ark and Citizenship: Right of the Soil and Right of the Blood

United States citizenship law is founded on two traditional principles – “jus soli” (“right of the soil”) and “jus sanguinis” (“right of the blood”). A person born in the United States who is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States is a U.S. citizen at birth. However, this was not true more than 100 years ago. As a pioneer of Chinese immigrants in this country, Wong Kim Ark obtained his citizenship by challenging the U.S. law through “right of the soil” and later helped his sons (including one “Paper Son”) become U.S. citizens through “right of the blood”.

美华史记 | 一百多年前,黄金德争取公民权的故事

美国公民法设立是建立在“土地权”( jus soli,美国领土内出生)和“血脉权”(jus sanguinis,父母的公民身份)两项传统原则之上的。美国移民法规定:在美国出生即公民。然而一百多年前,并非如此。那么,作为早期华人,黄金德是如何挑战美国法律获得出生公民权的呢?当他成为运用法律保护自己的楷模之后,为什么又成为违反移民法的人呢? 这要从黄金德的出生说起。