
Asian American Technology Trailblazers Honored

To honor the significant contributions of Asian American scholars, officials from the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP) organized a roundtable gathering in White House on March 4, 2024. This event brought together distinguished Asian American scholars, engineers, and leaders affiliated with the Asian American Scholar Forum (AASF) to address the pressing issues and challenges impacting their community.

The Fairy Flower Grifting on the Water

Edith Maude Eaton, whose pseudonym is Sui Sin Far (Cantonese transliteration of Narcissus), was a Chinese-English biracial female writer. Sui Sin Far’s career included the publication of numerous short stories, countless pieces of journalism, and one book. She may have been the earliest writer of American fiction to have Chinese ancestry.




1939小董在南加州小镇找到一份园丁工作,由于种族隔离法规无法租到房子。焦虑之际,奴隶出身的格斯-爱玛夫妇把自家小房租给小董。85年后,当初农场小屋里长大的董家后代捐出五百万美元给 “非洲裔资源中心” ,并将其命名 “爱玛-格斯” 中心来发扬光大当年汤家的正义善举。

85年后的今天,那间小屋生长的孩子们把卖房子得来的五百万美元捐给加州州立大学,并命名一个 “爱玛-格斯”中心来发扬光大当年汤普森家的善行。

A Compassionate Individual, and First Generation Chinese American Business Tycoon, Thomas Foon Chew (赵灿垣)

Thomas Foon Chew (赵灿垣) was born in Longkou, Guangdong (龙口, 广东) in1889. His father Sai Yen Chew (赵世贤) brought him and his wife to California when he was 8-year-old in 1897 during the period of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 through an expensive work visa specifically designated for Chinese merchants.
Over the next 34 years, the Chew family established three canneries in CA. At its zenith the Bayside Canning Company managed by Thomas Foon Chew was the 3rd largest cannery in the United States employed thousands of cannery workers.[

充满同情心的第一代华裔商業巨子赵灿垣 (Thomas Foon Chew)

赵灿垣(Thomas Foon Chew)1889年出生于广东龙口。在1882年《排华法案》期间,父亲赵世贤(Sai Yen Chew)于1897年他8岁时,通过专门为中国商人提供的昂贵工作签证,将他和他的妻子带到了美国加利福尼亚州。 在接下来的 34 年里 赵氏家族在加州建立了三家罐头厂。在鼎盛时期,由 赵灿垣管理的Bayside Canning Company 成为美国第三大罐头厂,拥有数千名工人。