Honor & Duty/荣誉和责任

Historical Record of Chinese Americans | Honoring the Chinese American Veterans of WWII

In December 2018, the Chinese American World War II Veteran Congressional Gold Medal Act was signed into law. This act awarded a medal to Chinese American veterans in recognition of their tremendous service to the United States during World War II when they and their families faced discrimination and institutional racism at home. The following is an account of how members of my family came to receive the highest civilian award given by Congress.

美华史记 | 追忆亚利桑那二战华裔军人


Historical Record of Chinese Americans | Aim to Fly: Father of the Chinese Revolutionary Air Force

Sen Yet Young, a Chinese American from a wealthy family in Hawaii,learned to fly and became the first Hawaiian-born aviator with an official pilot license. At Yat-sen Sun’s invitation, Young traveled to China to organize and lead an aviation brigade. He was tasked to train Chinese pilots and build China’s first airplane. After his death in 1923, he was posthumously awarded the rank of lieutenant general and is remembered as the founder of the Chinese Air Force.

美华史记 | 荣誉与责任:美国南北战争中的华裔军人

1999年5月,《华盛顿邮报》刊登琳达 • 惠勒的一篇报道说,美国的两位历史学者托马斯 • 洛厄里(Thomas Lowry, 1932- )和爱德华 • 米利根(Edward Milligan, 1922- ),从国家档案发现鲜为人知的历史事实,即有50名以上的华人参加了这场战争。他们在枪林弹雨、炮声震天的异国战场浴血奋战,甚至战死沙场。这些华裔军人中,除极个别的以外,其他的都不是美国公民,他们的中文名字也不为人知。