Xin Su

Historical Record of Chinese Americans | The Workingmen’s Party of California and Chinese Exclusion Act

The Chinese Exclusion Act was the first and only law in US, implemented to prevent a specific ethnic group from immigrating to the United States. It was signed on May 6, 1882 and repealed on December 17, 1943. The declining economy and high unemployment were politicized for the anti-Chinese movement by Denis Kearney, a labor leader who was himself an immigrant from Ireland. When the Sand Lot rally erupted in San Francisco in 1877, Kearney helped found the Workingmen’s Party of California with a sledgehammer four-word slogan: “The Chinese must go!” Kearney’s attacks against the Chinese for working for cheaper wages were supported by many white Californians. The Workingmen’s Party won almost every elective seat in San Francisco and successfully promoted anti-Chinese sentiment. By 1882 the federal government was finally convinced to pass the Chinese Exclusion Act, banning all Chinese immigrant laborers. The Workingmen’s Party of California was gone after the passage of The Chinese Exclusion Act.

美华史记 | 1946年签订的《中美友好通商航海条约》


Historical Record of Chinese Americans |The Sixth Decade of the Chinese Exclusion Act

World War II closely linked China and the United States together in the international anti-fascist alliance, during which China was portrayed as a friend and ally by the public media in the United States.  Many Chinese Americans actively participated in the anti-Japanese propaganda and war.  Not only did they survive the harsh domestic political environment of the exclusion period, but their “popular” role in the war also won them respect and sympathy.

美华史记 | 李彬华 (Mabel Ping-Hua Lee) – 争取妇女选举权的先驱

1912 年 5 月 4 日,纽约历史悠久的格林威治村街道上聚集了上万人群,争取妇女选举权的游行即将开始。在马背上领头是一位年轻的中国女子,名叫李彬华 (Mabel Ping-Hua Lee)。这是众多为争取妇女参政举行的游行中参加人数最多的一次。尽管在当时对华人歧视的移民法下她不能申请成为美国公民,但她从小就在美国和中国争取投票权的斗争中发挥了重要作用。后来,她成为在美国第一位获得哲学博士学位的中国女性。今天,李彬华被公认为美国华人妇女参政的先驱。

Historical Record of Chinese Americans | Historical China Camp in California

China Camp State Park is located along the shore of San Pablo Bay. The road through the park offers beautiful views of the waterfront. In fact China Camp was a Chinese shrimp fishing village that flourished here in the 1880s. Nearly 500 people from Canton, China lived in the village, and more than 90% of the shrimp caught by the fishermen was dried in the sun and shipped to China or Chinese communities throughout the United States.

Historical Record of Chinese Americans | Heidi Shyu Is Now Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering

On April 27, 2021, U.S. President Biden nominated Heidi Shyu, a Chinese-American female engineer, as the U.S. Department of Defense Under Secretary for Research and Engineering. On July 21 of the same year, the U.S. Senate confirmed the nomination of President Biden, and Heidi Shuyu was officially appointed as the Under Secretary of Defense. She is also the highest-ranking Asian civilian official in the U.S. Department of Defense.