
美华史记 | 矽谷华人50强名人录

从上世纪六十年代开始,华人移民来到了湾区/硅谷,尤其是八十年代以来,更多的来自大陆。 在过去的40年中,他们中间许多人已经成为高科技企业家/工程师,为硅谷和美国经济做出了巨大贡献。 因为篇幅的关系,这里仅向读者介绍54名行业领军者。

Historical Record of Chinese Americans | Chinese American Figure: Computer Industry Magnate, Inventor, and philanthropist Dr. An Wang

As the fifth richest American in 1984, with 40 patents and 23 honorary degrees, Dr. An Wang was a computer industry magnate, inventor, and philanthropist who founded Wang Labs, which successfully competed with large companies such as IBM in the 1970s and 1980s. In the mid-1940s, after passing the competitive China Overseas Graduate Examination, he was accepted by Harvard University as a Ph.D. student and became a leading figure in the electronics industry in the world. His breakthrough in manufacturing core memory equipment was one of the greatest technological innovations of the last century. His Fortune 500 company Wang Labs, became a market leader in desktop calculators, word processors, and IBM-compatible mainframe computers. Most of his philanthropy was dedicated to strengthening understanding between Chinese and Western cultures and improving the arts, schools, and health care in Boston and surrounding communities in Massachusetts.

美华史记 | 美国华人维权先驱王清福


美华史记 | 一百多年前,黄金德争取公民权的故事

美国公民法设立是建立在“土地权”( jus soli,美国领土内出生)和“血脉权”(jus sanguinis,父母的公民身份)两项传统原则之上的。美国移民法规定:在美国出生即公民。然而一百多年前,并非如此。那么,作为早期华人,黄金德是如何挑战美国法律获得出生公民权的呢?当他成为运用法律保护自己的楷模之后,为什么又成为违反移民法的人呢? 这要从黄金德的出生说起。

美华史记 | 西格:洗衣工的女儿, 萨凡纳的诗人
